Friday, 5 June 2015

Eggette Lab [蛋仔工坊] @ Sunway Pyramid

[ThrowBack] Went to Sunway Pyramid for window shopping. 走进Asian Avenue,就闻到食物香味~扑鼻而来 [哈哈~吃货] 。。找到了!就是蛋仔工坊的新鲜出炉の雞蛋仔!

看到少人排队付钱,那么我就快快排队购买。有不同的口味。难以选择~到我啦!选好了,付钱!小姐说看收条的号码来去雞蛋仔。一看!我快昏了!还以为少人。。我太小看它了。。walao~我要等很久才到我 (*maybe 是weekend吧)。接近1小时后。。终于到我了!!开心的吃货心情表露出来了!!


烫!烫!新鲜出炉啊!我选原味. 平时都是在pasar malam 买到雞蛋仔 (*不过不是很好吃的..很快软绵绵)。我第一次在这里买。一定要试个明白为什么那么多人都乖乖的等待。第一口!哇!烫,烫................脆到! (*有点夸张了我。。笑一个)好吃!我可能井底之蛙。。可是好好吃啊!值得等!吃剩一点。。过了大约1个小时。。还是有点脆~yummy!!!! 愉快的Mood :)
MUST TRY a!!!! Next round 如果有去sunway pyramid, 最好付款了,去shopping先..回头才拿 (*如果号码要等很久。。要有一点耐心)

FB: Eggette Lab
First Floor Asian Avenue,
Sunway Pyramid

Epic Fit Meals Co @ MSQ Damansara Perdana

[Throwback] Lunch Time! Found a new shop, walk in and give it a try

One thing I like about the shop is..calories display on the menu. It's make me realize how much calories (est) ate for my lunch. Interesting~ Yummy of the food photos as below

Recommended by the friendly crew.

EPIC GRILLED CHICKEN: Eziki* + Irish Colcannon
At first..i look at the food. looks like not enough to fill my stomach. No..i was totally wrong..the vege is a lot (*to me)! And the meat portion is just nice for 1 pax.
Strong taste of the mashed potatoes with the sauce. I personally like it!  Will be quite boring if only eat this right? Look~Vege is at the bottom!

Fall in love their PIZZA~ Thin layer, Tasty & Crunchy. 1 hours later still crunchy. This is the best part I like~
They will cut the pizza into small handy size. Cool..You got to try!! 
Brought few times for friends to try, they all like it

Epic Artisan Wrapper


Checked Epic Fit Meals Co FB. Lately they had add something new to the menu~ Gonna give a try soon
For those who feels like wanna try their food. Other than walk in, they do also offer for FOOD DELIVERY.

FB : Epic Fit Meal Co
Epic Fit Meals Co.
E105, Ground Floor, Metropolitan Square,
Jalan PJU8/1, Bandar Damansara Perdana,
47820 Petaling Jaya, 
Order Contact: +603 7733 3375